Pet birds are a nice addition to the color of a household if you don't mind a little extra noise. Some are very smart and can talk. Others are very personable and can bond with their owners. While birds vary in care requirements, this page will share basic care and diet advice for pet birds. Educate yourself on your specific bird.



New environments can be stressful. You should give a 3-4 day adjustment period before handling your bird. Birds are very sensitive to smoke and strong odors so don't keep your bird in the kitchen or let them fly into the kitchen while cooking. Keep small shiny objects away from birds as they may ingest them. Don't allow them to play with stained glass objects, vertical blinds or electrical cords. Birds normally don't do well around dogs or cats. Birds are social and should be introduced to many people. Keep their cages clean and have a constant stream of food and water.
Pellets are known to be very healthy and provide variety to your birds diet. However, if you feed them sunflower seeds often, they have been known to refuse to eat pellets. Seeds should be around 10% of a bird's diet. Oats and grains are good for nutrients but should not be the only food you feed to your bird. Variety is key. Treats should be used as bonding and reward for good behavior. However, if your bird expects treats when it is actually time to eat regular food, you should decrease treat use.
Watch for decreased appetite or weight loss
decreased activity and grooming behavior
Change in droppings for more than 2 days
sitting at the bottom of the cage
discharge from eyes, nose , or mouth
feathers fluffed for prolonged periods of time
If you notice these things, contact a vet or bird professional.