Chinese Water Dragons have quite the personality and are great companions. Some may allow you to hold and play with them. Keep an eye on them, however, they can be fast.



Adult Chinese Water Dragons can be up to 3 feet long and live up to 15 years. They require at least a 75 gallon terrarium. They come from tropical climates with humidity between 50%-80% and temperatures between 75-95 degrees F during the day and 65-75 degrees at night. They need a cooler side of the tank with hides and a warmer basking area. They will need a UVB bulb and a heat bulb. You will need to mist your tank 1-3 times a day to keep proper humidity. Have rocks and branches so they can climb closer to the heat lamp and bask. Use Reptile carpet or bark for substrate.
Chinese Water Dragons eat crickets and occasionally mealworms. Dust them with calcium powder a few times a week. They eat fruits and veggies daily. They need clean water at all times.
you notice swollen joints or reluctance to move
hiding more than usual
eating or drinking less; weight loss
discharge from eyes, nose, or mouth
shedding problems; discolored skin
runny droppings for more than 2 days
sores or injury near mouth