Crested geckos are fun loving lizards that are easy to care for and gentle. You can hold and play with them but keep an eye on them as they can climb easily. They have also been known to jump.
Crested geckos normally measure 7-8 inches in length and can live between 7-10 years but have lived for as long as 15 years. They'll need a larger tank, nothing smaller than 20 gallons and tall.
They come from tropical forest habitats with moderate temperatures. Your enclosure needs to be between 75 and 85 degrees F with night temperatures between 65-75 degrees F and humidity between 50%-80%.
You should have lots of plants and climbing decor for your gecko to climb on. They also need a few hiding places. They are nocturnal so they will normally hide during the day and move around at night. You may consider a night light to view them at night.
You'll need a daytime light and a low wattage heat lamp to keep temperatures within the required range.

You can feed your crested gecko crickets and mealworms. They also eat fruits. They lick water off themselves and their surroundings so you'll want to mist their cage daily, preferably at night before bed when they are most active.
hiding more than usual
eating or drinking less; weight loss
swollen joints or reluctance to move
discharge from eyes, nose, or mouth
shedding problems; discolored skin
runny droppings for more than 2 days
decreased frequency of droppings
increased basking time
keep in mind that if your crested gecko loses its tail, don't freak out. They are fine. That is just an escape mechanism when they feel they are in danger. They won't grow it back but they are just fine without it. Just make sure it doesn't get infected. If you notice the wound turning green or yellow, take it to a reputable vet for treatment or advice.