Fish are easy to take care of for the most part. Some fish, however, are more sensitive and will be higher maintenance. Here are some basic tips to consider when owning fish. While you may need to educate yourself on specific fish you want to buy, this will help get you started.
Make sure you educate yourself on the temperature requirements for your fish. Tropical fish require warmer temperatures. You can purchase an aquarium heater from the local pet store.
Use aquarium water conditioner 24 hours before adding fish.
An aquarium filter is recommended. An under-gravel filter is also recommended to harbor bacteria that fosters a healthy aquarium habitat. A product called "Quick Start" can help speed up this process.
Water airation is recommended using an air pump to oxygenate the water.

Feed your fish regularly. Once a day is fine. Don't feed your fish too much as this will cause them to get bloated and die. Sometimes when you go on vacation for many days, you can purchase feeding blocks that they can feed on while you are away.
Clean your tank about once a month. This will ensure a clean environment for your fish. You can purchase an aquarium vac that makes sucking the water from your tank easy and less time consuming. Remove about a third of your water, then replace it.
Some fish are more timid than others so you may want to provide them with plenty of hiding spots by having lots of plants, caves, nooks, and crannies to hide. Some fish a very aggressive and do not get along with other fish. Educate yourself about each type of fish in your tank.
One of the basic reasons why your fish maybe aren't doing so hot or dying is because the Ph of the water is not at the right level. Too acidic or alkaline of water can cause your fish to die very suddenly. You'll need to test your water regularly if you feel this is the case. You can purchase test kits. If your water is too acidic or too alkaline, you'll need to clean your tank immediately and replace it with conditioned water. Your tap water may be causing the acidic or alkaline Ph so be sure to add water conditioner.
Sometimes fish slowly get growths that almost look like tumors that keep growing and growing. This is called ICK. You can purchase ICK remover at the local pet store. Sometimes fish get parasites and other fungal or bacterial infections. You can purchase other medications at the local pet store that remove these ailments.
If your water is too hot or too cold your fish will die. Most tropical fish require temperatures between 74-80 degrees F.
Is your water getting dirty? Is there green algae everywhere? Time to clean your tank. You can also get an algae eater fish like a Plecostamus or other "sucker" fish. Some advice though, Plecostamus can be aggressive and eat other fish especially if they get too big. They can get up to several feet long.