Most frogs and toads are semi-aquatic and need equal parts of land and water. Others don't need much water but instead should have plenty of humidity. Educate yourself about your specific breed of frog or toad. This is a basic care guide.

Semi aquatic frogs or toads require more water area to soak. Others only require only a water dish in which to soak or drink. Consult your pet store employee about your specific frog or toad or go online and research for yourself. Green tree frogs for example like to climb and don't require a large water area but it is recommended that you have a dripper system or a fogger or daily misting to keep humidity high. Humidity needs to be around 80% for most frogs and toads. Make sure there is plenty of moss or other substrate that holds moisture well if there is not a larger water area. Peat moss, coconut fiber, and sphagnum moss is recommended for substrate. You must educate yourself on the types of lighting and bulbs to purchase for your frog or toad. temperatures range from 70-85 degrees F for most frogs and toads. Research your specific frog or toad to find the right temperature for them. Most frogs and toads need hiding spots or places to burrow into the ground.

Most frogs and toads eat insects such as crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms etc. It is recommended to dust your insects with calcium powder a few times a week and multivitamins a few times a month.

you notice discharge from eyes, nose, or mouth
hiding more than usual
eating or drinking less; weight loss
swollen joints or reluctance to move
discolored or inflamed skin
runny or discolored droppings for more than 2 days
open/inability to close mouth