This section primarily focuses on aquatic turtles. Educate yourself about specific breeds before getting one. Here are the basics you'll need to know.
Aquatic turtles can grow up to 12" long and can live up to 20 years. They prefer to be housed alone but can have friends. Educate yourself before having multiple turtles. You can also have them with larger fish. They will eat small fish. The basic rule of thumb is that your tank should be the size that equals 10 gallons for every inch of turtle shell. Your tank should include basking areas where the turtle can climb out of the water and bask under a heat lamp. You'll also need a UVB bulb. Water temperature will need to be between 72-77 degrees so you'll need to purchase a water heater unless your house temperature is in that range. Basking areas need to be between 90-95 degrees F with the cool side of the tank between 75-85 degrees F. At night, the temperature needs to be between 65-75 degrees F. You'll need to change the water once a month to maintain a clean environment for your turtle.

You can purchase turtle pellets from the local pet store and feed to your turtle daily. They also eat crickets, mealworms, and feeder fish which you should feed about once a week. You should feed your turtle veggies such as leafy greens and carrots etc. about 3 or 4 times a week.

you notice runny droppings for more than 2 days
eating or drinking less; weight loss
swollen joints or reluctance to move
discharge from eyes, mouth, or nose
skin discoloration
avoidance of the basking area; more time spent hiding
increased basking time
decreased frequency of droppings
abnormal swimming or swimming on side